$ \LARGE E=\frac {1} {1+\Big(\frac {R} {R_0}\Big)^6} $ |
$$ \Large {R_0}^6 = \frac{9 \ln 10}{128 \pi^5 N_\text{A}} \frac{\kappa^2 Q_\text{D}}{n^4} J$$
$$ \Large J = \frac{\int f_\text{D}(\lambda) \epsilon_\text{A}(\lambda) \lambda^4 \, d\lambda}{\int f_\text{D}(\lambda) \, d\lambda} = \int \overline{f_\text{D}}(\lambda) \epsilon_\text{A}(\lambda) \lambda^4 \, d\lambda$$
$\kappa = \hat\mu_\text{A} \cdot \hat\mu_\text{D} - 3 (\hat\mu_\text{D} \cdot \hat R) (\hat\mu_\text{A} \cdot \hat R),$ where $\hat\mu_i$ denotes the normalized transition dipole moment of the respective fluorophore, and $\hat R$ denotes the normalized inter-fluorophore displacement.
$$ \Large E = \frac{F_a}{F_a + \gamma F_d} ; \gamma = \frac{\nu_A\Phi_A}{\nu_D\Phi_D}\\ \\ \Large F_D = I_D - B_B - \alpha_{AD}(I_A -B_A)\\ \Large F_A = I_A - B_A - \alpha_{DA}(I_D -B_D) -D{ex} $$
$$ \Large R = R_0 \sqrt[6]{\gamma \frac {F_d} {F_a}} $$
from fretbursts import *
from fretbursts.phtools import phrates
sns = init_notebook()
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
from fcsfiles import *
# Tweak here matplotlib style
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'].insert(0, 'Arial')
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 12
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
from IPython.display import display
from bva import bva_sigma_E, bva_sigma_binomial,bva_sigma_binomial_E_asterix
import numpy as np
## processing confocor files
times = np.fromfile(ch1raw._fh, dtype='<u4', count=-1)
times_acceptor = np.cumsum(times.astype('u8'))
times = np.fromfile(ch2raw._fh, dtype='<u4', count=-1)
times_donor = np.cumsum(times.astype('u8'))
# creating a 2D array of photons
df = np.hstack([np.vstack( [ times_donor, np.zeros( times_donor.size)] ),
np.vstack( [times_acceptor, np.ones(times_acceptor.size)] )]).T
# sorting photons
df_sorted = df[np.argsort(df[:,0])].T
# [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] - timestamps
# [0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1] - acceptor mask
d = Data(ph_times_m=[df_sorted[0].astype('int64')], A_em=[df_sorted[1].astype(bool)],
clk_p=1./ch1raw.frequency, alternated=False, nch=1, fname='MonoNucl_prox')
# That is needed due to issues in FRETbursts package
The recorded stream of timestamps is the result of two processes: one characterized by ahigh count rate, due to fluorescence photons of single molecules crossing the excitation vol-ume, and another characterized by a lower count rate, due to “background counts” originating from
The signature of these two types of processes can be observed in the waiting times between two subsequent timestamps. The“tail”of the distribution (a straight line in semi-log scale) corresponds to exponentially-distributed time-delays, indicating that those counts are generated by a Poisson process.
Three regimes of statistical distributions can be obtained depending on the properties of the light source: Poissonian, super-Poissonian, and sub-Poissonian. Poissonian light can be described by a semi-classical theory in which the light source is modeled as an electromagnetic wave and the atom is modeled according to quantum mechanics.
$$ \large P[N(t)=k] = \frac {e^{-\lambda t} (\lambda t)^k}{k!} \\ $$ Let X be the time between events, than: $$ \large P[X>t]=P[N(t)=0] = \frac {e^{-\lambda t} (\lambda t)^0}{0!}= e^{-\lambda t} \\ \large P[X \leqslant t] = 1 - e^{-\lambda t} \\ \large P[X = t] = \frac {\delta} {\delta t} (1 - e^{-\lambda t})= \lambda e ^ {-\lambda t} $$
d.calc_bg(bg.exp_fit, time_s=60, tail_min_us='auto', F_bg=1.7)
dplot(d, hist_bg, show_fit=True);
The first step of burst analysis is the burst search.
We will use the sliding-window algorithm on all photons. An important variation compared to the classical sliding-windows is that the threshold-rate for burst start is computed as a function of the background and changes when the background changes during the measurement.
To perform a burst search evaluating the photon rate with:
d.burst_search(L=20, m=30, F=6)
dplot(d, hist_fret)
dplot(d, hist_fret)
Selecting the bursts in a second step, by applying a minimum burst size criterion, results in a more accurate and unbiased selection. For example, we can select bursts with more than 30 photons (after background, gamma, leakage and direct excitation corrections) and store the result in a new Data() variable ds:
ds = d.select_bursts(select_bursts.size, th1=30)
# defining the model and its boundaries
model = mfit.factory_three_gaussians()
model.set_param_hint('p1_center', value=0.1, min=-0.1, max=0.3)
model.set_param_hint('p2_center', value=0.4, min=0.3, max=0.7)
model.set_param_hint('p3_center', value=0.85, min=0.7, max=1.1)
# Two step fitting
E_fitter = bext.bursts_fitter(ds, 'E', binwidth=0.03)
E_fitter.fit_histogram(model=model, pdf=False, method='nelder')
E_fitter.fit_histogram(model=model, pdf=False, method='leastsq')
# Plotting the resulting histogram
dplot(ds, hist_fret, show_model=True, pdf=False)
# Plotting the timetrace
dplot(ds, timetrace, tmin=0, tmax=1, bursts=True)
# Select bursts by their E
d_high_fret=ds.select_bursts(select_bursts.E, E1=0.25)
d_low_fret=ds.select_bursts(select_bursts.E, E2=0.25)
# plot timetraces
ax = dplot(d_high_fret, hist_width, bins=(0, 10, 0.2))
dplot(d_low_fret, hist_width, bins=(0, 10, 0.2), ax=ax)
plt.legend(['High-FRET population', 'Low-FRET population'])
For a static species, the expected standard deviation due to shot noise, depends only on photon statistics. Any set of consecutive photons will follow a binomial distribution with respect to emission in the donor and acceptor channels.
$$ Pr(k,n,p)= \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} p^k (1-p)^{n-k} $$
Assuming no background, the expected standard deviation of $F_A$ should be as variance of binomial distribution
$$ \sigma^2 = np(1-p) $$
$$ p=\frac {F^a}{n}=E $$
$$ \sigma_E = \sqrt\frac{E (1 - E)}{n} $$
To calculate the experimental burstwide standard deviation, we segment each burst $i$, into $M_i$ consecutive (and non overlapping) windows of $n$ photons each,and calculate the standard deviation of all windows within the burst: $$ \sigma_i = \sqrt{\frac{1}{M_i} \sum_{j=1}^{M_i}(\epsilon_{ij} - \mu_i)^2} ; \mu_i = \frac{1}{M_i} \sum_{j=1}^{M_i}(\epsilon_{ij}); \epsilon_{ij}=\frac {F_{ij}^a}{n} $$
To calculate the confidence intervals we will use direct approach $F_{ij}$ are random variables drawn from a binomial distri-bution with n trials and $E^*$ probability of success
$$ \ \sigma = \sqrt{ \sum_{ i(L<E<U)} \sum_{j=1}^{M_i} (\frac{(\frac{F_A^{ij}}{n} - \mu)^2}{\sum M_i}) } ; \ \mu = \sum_{ i(L<E<U)} \sum_{j=1}^{M_i} \frac{\frac{F_A^{ij}}{n} }{\sum M_i} $$
# Preparing the data
ph_d = ds.get_ph_times(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='DAem'))
bursts = ds.mburst[0]
bursts_d = bursts.recompute_index_reduce(ph_d)
Dex_mask = ds.get_ph_mask(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='DAem'))
DexAem_mask = ds.get_ph_mask(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='Aem'))
DexAem_mask_d = DexAem_mask[Dex_mask]
# amount of photons in subburst
plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.5))
n = 7
E_sub_std =bva_sigma_E(n, bursts_d, DexAem_mask_d)
valid = np.isfinite(E_sub_std)
for i in x1:
av_e.append(np.average(np.asfarray(E_sub_std)[valid][ (ds.E[0][valid]>=i) & (ds.E[0][valid]<(i+0.05))]))
B_sub_std.append(bva_sigma_binomial_E_asterix(n, bursts_d, ds.E[0],0.05))
for i in x1:
conf_ivls.append(np.percentile(np.array(B_sub_std)[:,valid][:,(ds.E[0][valid]>=i) & (ds.E[0][valid]<(i+0.05))].flatten(), 97.5))
x = np.arange(0,1.01,0.01)
y = np.sqrt((x*(1-x))/n)
plt.plot(x, y, lw=2, color='k', ls='--')
#print np.asfarray(E_sub_std)[valid]
im = sns.kdeplot(ds.E[0][valid], np.asfarray(E_sub_std)[valid],
shade=True, cmap='Spectral_r', shade_lowest=False, n_levels=20)
plt.fill_between(x1, 0,conf_ivls, facecolor='grey', alpha=0.5,step='post')
plt.plot(x1+0.025, av_e, lw=2, color='k', ls='',marker='^')
plt.xlabel('EPR', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel(r'$\sigma_i$', fontsize=16);
plt.text(0.05, 0.95, '1xN', va='top', fontsize=22, transform=plt.gca().transAxes)
plt.text(0.95, 0.95, '# Bursts: %d' % ds.num_bursts,
va='top', ha='right', transform=plt.gca().transAxes)
plt.savefig('BVA_di.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=600, transparent=False)
def confidence_interval(n, bursts,DexAem_mask_d, bursts_E,e_bin_step, out=None):
for i in axis:
for burst,e in zip(bursts,bursts_E):
# clip stuf with nonphysical values
if e>1:
elif e<0:
e=e_bin_step*(e//e_bin_step) + e_bin_step/2
startlist = range(burst.istart, burst.istop + 2 - n, n)
stoplist = [i + n for i in startlist]
for start, stop in zip(startlist, stoplist):
A_D = DexAem_mask[start:stop].sum()
return dataframe_P
lol=confidence_interval(n, bursts_d, DexAem_mask_d, ds.E[0],0.05)
print lol[0.9]
for R0 in R0_:
plt.plot(x,y, label='$R_0$=%d A'%R0)
plt.fill_between(x[14:29],0,y[14:29],facecolor='red',alpha=0.5,label='Linear area')
plt.annotate('$R_0$', xy=(60, 0.5), xytext=(80, 0.7),size=20,
arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.01,width=2))
plt.xlabel('Interdye distance, A')
plt.ylabel('FRET E')