Workshop 3. Visualization of 3D structures in Chimera.
Workshop plan
- An introduction to using Chimera to vizualize and manipulate 3D PDB structures
- Chimera user interface orientation
- Download and open PDB structure
- Rotating, translating, setting clipping planes, projection type, centering (actions) etc.
- Moving structure (actions)
- Making selections (by chains, residues, sequence, etc.)
- Structure visualization modes (atoms, ribbon, surface)
- Coloring (by attribute)
- Combining structures
- Structure and sequence alignment
- Building and changing structures (angles, bonds, rotamers)
Required software and resources
- UCSF Chimera
- 3-button mouse
Learning resources
A set of PDB structures of a macromolecular complex in different conformations will be suggested for analysis. The assignment report should include section detailing the following:
- Visualize a molecule with labeled and differently colored positive, negative or aromatic amino acids and semitransparent surface.
- Identify any clashes and fix them rotating amino acids angles.
- Make structure and sequence alignment of chosen molecule with any of its homologs, color matching domains.
- Choose any segment of sequence alignment and introduce amino acid substitutions to make both chains completely matching.
- Make conservation analysis of aligned structures.
- Describe any problems encountered
*. Write a script/demo for the task 1 with adding molecule name in the right upper corner and 360 degree rotating around every axis before and after changing the model.
Suggested problem sets
Each student should take a unique structure.
- Any molecule of the month that has at least one homolog (
- Any protein structure that has at least one homolog.
- Consult with the workshop protocol/recording
- Try to Google, and see Chimera User’s Guide
- Ask questions in Telegram