Workshop: Introduction to Docking
- We will outline basic methods of docking with AutoDock Vina using Open Drug Discovery Toolkit.
- Duration: 90 minutes
- Objectives: be able to
- Understand how to configure docking parameters
- Convert pdb files to pdbqt
- Perform docking with AutoDock Vina in Python
- Perform docking with SwissDock
- Understand and analyse docking results
Jupyter notebook
- analyse.ipynb
- docking.ipynb
Required software and resources
- Access to a Jupyter notebook environment with Python 3, MDAnalysis, nglview, oddt, OpenBabel and Autodock Vina libraries
Learning resources
Suggested problem sets
Each student should take a unique PDB structure at his/her own discretion.
- Consult with the seminar protocol/recording
- Ask questions in Telegram