
Workshop: Analyzing 3D PDB structures.


Jupyter notebook

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Channels list (if you use Anaconda Navigator):

Learning resources


A PDB structure of a protein with at least two domains will be suggested for analysis. The assignment report should include section detailing the following:

  1. Adding hydrogens to the structure
  2. Identify hydrogen bonds
  3. Protein dihedral angle analysis
  4. Contact maps
  5. Identify protonation states of ionizable residues
  6. Visualize electorstatic potential at the surface using PDB2PQR and APBS

*. Identify domains using SCOPe, PFAM and/or NCNI protein databases *. Dynamics analysis

Suggested problem sets

Each student should take a unique PDB structure with at least two domains from the PDB web-site at his/her own discretion.
