Workshop: Analyzing 3D PDB structures.
- Complex analysis of PDB structures
- Duration: 90 minutes
- Objectives: be able to
- do analysis in Python using MDanalysis and Prody libraries
- select, extract and analyze atom coordinates and dihedral angles.
- add hydrogens to the structure
- identify hydrogen bonds
- identify protonation states
- assign charges to the atoms
- compute and analyze electrostatic surface
- build contact maps
- identify domains
- analyze dynamics using elastic networks models
Jupyter notebook
- 3Dstruct_analysis.ipynb
Required software and resources
- UCSF Chimera (optional)
- Access to a Jupyter notebook environment with Python 3
- 3-button mouse
List of Conda packages:
- MDanalysis
- nglview
- prody
- propka or use
- pdb2pqr or use
- apbs or use
Channels list (if you use Anaconda Navigator):
Learning resources
A PDB structure of a protein with at least two domains will be suggested for analysis.
The assignment report should include section detailing the following:
- Adding hydrogens to the structure
- Identify hydrogen bonds
- Protein dihedral angle analysis
- Contact maps
- Identify protonation states of ionizable residues
- Visualize electorstatic potential at the surface using PDB2PQR and APBS
*. Identify domains using SCOPe, PFAM and/or NCNI protein databases
*. Dynamics analysis
Suggested problem sets
Each student should take a unique PDB structure with at least two domains from the PDB web-site at his/her own discretion.
- Consult with the seminar protocol/recording
- Try to Google, and see Pymol Wiki
- Ask questions in TG